Visiting Box Hill Cemetery

You are welcome to visit Box Hill Cemetery any day of the year. However, for practical and security reasons, some limitations apply.

Pedestrian access is available from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm every day, via Middleborough Road (east), Reserve Road (south), Sanders Road (southwest), Rutland Road (northwest) and the railway footbridge from Whitehorse Reserve (north).

Limited vehicle access is available from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) via Middleborough Road and Sanders Road gates only. External parking is usually available in Reserve Road, Sanders Road, Rutland Road and Whitehorse reserve (off Whitehorse Road).

Laburnum Railway Station is within 300 metres of the Middleborough Road (east) entrance; and Box Hill Central Terminus is less than one kilometre from the Rutland Road (northwest) entrance.

The cemetery office is usually open from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays). However, staff may occasionally be out of the office during these hours assisting other clients. Prior appointment is therefore recommended by phoning (03) 9890 1229.

In the interests of public safety and respect, cemetery staff may remove non-approved and inappropriate items from graves or surrounding areas. Visitors are reminded that any potentially dangerous objects (including glass and ceramic items) may be removed and disposed of in accord with the Cemeteries & Crematoria Regulations 2015 and the Cemeteries & Crematoria Act 2003 (Vic).

Penalties may apply to a person who without authority leaves any burning item (including a candle, incense or oil-burner) unattended at any time.


Visitors are urged to act responsibly and with due consideration for the safety and sensitivities of others.

Cemetery Map

Box Hill Cemetery Map

Click here to download a more detailed map or use the ‘Grave/Memorial Search‘ function.

Location Map


To view our interactive Google Map please click here.
For a more detailed map of Box Hill Cemetery, please select the ‘Grave/Memorial Search‘ function.